As a Cosmetologist you have the flexibility to work and thrive in any of the three disciplines, Hair, Skin, or Nails. A cosmetologist has a lifetime of career opportunities and possibilities. If you like to work with people, enjoy flexible working hours, want a successful career and want to enjoy financial security, cosmetology training is the important first step.
With a tremendous amount of both salon and teaching experience our staff will provide you with the educational experiences necessary to launch you into a career which offers a multitude of opportunities not found in other careers. If you enjoy dealing with the public, are willing to keep up with the latest fashions and techniques and have the creative energy necessary to learn the business skills that will enhance your professional skills, then Cosmetology is the career for you.
We take pride in the fact that we have trained many, many successful salon owners, managers and stylists, as well as hairstyling and hair cutting competition winners, for over 20 years in Ohio. Our educational programs are constantly being updated through input from students, graduates, and salons.
Inner State Beauty School will fully prepare you for the state licensing exam and profitable employment as a hair technician, salon manager, salon owner, hair colorist, product demonstrator, and more. We are committed to preparing people for exciting, successful careers in the cosmetology industry. We encourage you to set up an appointment to stop by, tour the facility and meet the students and staff.

1500 Hour Cosmetology Program Objectives
Our Cosmetology Course is designed to teach and allow each individual the opportunity to practice the art of hair styling on all types of hair. By the end of the cosmetology course, each student will have received 1500 hours of state board approved training. They will learn how to give a professional shampoo, learn the art of hair shaping and cutting. The cosmetology license is a general beauty license that will allow the licensee to work as a beautician, manicurist, esthetician or stylist. The student will be able to give a professional manicure and facial. They will also know how to mix hair colorings to achieve the desired shade and apply solution in a professional manner in order to receive optimum results. The student will learn to color hair, perm or relax hair and learn state board cutting techniques.
A graduate of this course will be able to take the Ohio State Board of Cosmetology examination. There are three components to the cosmetology education, theory (book work and lecture), practical (practicing on each other or mannequins, and clinical (working on actual customers). Students begin as junior cosmetology students. They can achieve senior status by testing out of the junior program after they earn approximately 300 hours. All full time students will have theory class in the mornings. The junior students then work on their skills in the junior practical room. Senior students will work in the clinic, in the senior practice room, or study in the study hall. Junior and Senior students will have ½ hour for lunch as assigned by the instructor. Senior students may stay until 5:00 p.m. Students are given tests after completion of the chapter. Part time students have theory once during the weekday evening hours. Part time junior students work on practicals during the week and on Saturdays. Part time senior students have theory during the week along with both clinical and practical time. Saturdays will be spent improving their skills in the student clinic.
Tests are primarily multiple choice to correspond with the State Board of Cosmetology test, but will also include essay and fill in. We use the Milady Standard Cosmetology Textbook, Milady Standard Practical Workbook, Milady Standard Theory Workbook and Milady Standard Exam Review along with corresponding lesson plans and support materials. Theory is taught through a combination of lecture, handouts, videos, workbooks and reading. Practical is taught through demonstration, lecture and hands on practice.
Hours In Each Subject Area
Sanitation & Bacteriology:
Sanitation, Sterilization, Bacteriology, Dispensary Requirements, Operations
Scalp Care:
Head, Hair and Scalp Definitions, Shampoo, Rinses, Scalp Treatments, Disorders
and Diseases
Hair I:
Marcelling, Iron curls, Fingerwave, Pin curls, Basic hairstyling & techniques, Haircutting,
Hair trimming, Care of wigs, Pastiches, Pressing
Hair II:
Permanent wave, Chemical relaxing, Tinting, Bleaching, Foiling
Anatomy of nails, skin & muscles, Basic water, oil, electric nail techniques,
Artificial nail applications, Hand and arm bleach, Hand and arm massage
Skin Care:
Anatomy of skin and muscles, Facial, Make-up, Masks and packs, Eyebrow arching,
Body massage, Client health
Salon Operations, Communication Skills & Electives:
60 NC/ 130 C
Cosmetology Laws and Rules:
Ohio cosmetology statutes and rules, Inspection and enforcement
Cosmetology Start Dates
We begin the full time Cosmetology course the first Monday of each month. The part time Cosmetology course begins the first Tuesday of each month.