Manicuring Program Highlights
Manicuring and Nail Technology is in high demand, nail salons are opening in malls, strip centers and just about anywhere you can imagine. The nail courses provide the necessary training for a student to become a Manicuring or a Nail Shop owner, or rent a table in an existing salon.
This course will teach the student all aspects of artificial nails, free hand nail art, manicuring, corrective manicures, anatomy and physiology, nail chemistry, as well as proper sanitation and salon practices. Students will learn all techniques through classroom and clinic experience. We are dedicated to the highest level of education for tomorrow's beauty professionals and the continued accomplishments of our graduates.
Join us here at Inner State Beauty School and begin your journey toward financial independence. Inner State Beauty School has provided successful career preparation to hundreds of men and women, and we are committed to teaching excellence in the art and science of manicuring. We invite you to visit Inner State Beauty School, tour our facility and meet our friendly students and faculty. If you have time, we'll even pamper you with a complimentary manicure!

200 Hour Manicuring Program Objectives
Upon completion of the Manicuring course the student will have knowledge of nail wrapping, acrylic nails, sculpturing nail tips, anatomy, nail structure, oil manicures, water manicures, French manicures, nail irregularities, diseases and sanitation. A graduate of this course will be able to take the Ohio State Board of Cosmetology examination to be a Manicuring. A typical day will consist of a combination of theory, practical and clinical experiences. You’ll have a half hour break for lunch then get right back to it. This course gives you a lot of information in a short period of time so be ready to learn.
Students begin as junior manicuring students. They can achieve senior status by testing out of the junior portion after they earn approximately 50 hours. At that point they may begin performing basic services on clients on a rotation basis. Tests are given at the end of each chapter. Students are tested on practical skills as well as theory. Tests are primarily multiple choice to correspond with the State Board of Cosmetology test, but will also include essay and fill in. We use the Milady Standard Nail technology Textbook, Milady Standard Nail Technology Workbook. Theory is taught through a combination of lecture, handouts, videos, workbooks and reading. Practical is taught through demonstration, lecture and hands on practice.
Hours In Each Subject Area
Sanitation and Bacteriology:
Sanitation, Sterilization, Bacteriology, Dispensary requirements/operations
Bones, muscles, blood, Nervous system, joints, cartilage, Ligaments of hand/arm,
Structure of nail, Disorders & diseases of skin & nail
Hand, Arm and Leg Massage:
Preparation, Procedures, Techniques
Manicuring Procedures:
Safety precautions, Basic & oil procedures, Pedicuring, Man's manicure, Application
of polish, Nail cosmetics & nail repair, Nail bleach applications, Special problems
Artificial Nails:
Types & styles, Artificial nail anatomy & artificial nail composition, Preparation, application,
Specialized Equipment:
Specialized equipment types, Procedures for use & safety standards
Salon Operations & Communication Skills:
Human relations, Career development, Personality & presentation, Salon
operation/management, Sales/interpersonal skills
Cosmetology Laws and Rules:
Ohio cosmetology laws and rules, Inspection/enforcement
Manicuring Start Dates
We begin the full time manicuring advanced manicuring course every 7 weeks. The part time manicuring course begins every 10 weeks.